We are delighted to publish our first ever news item on our brand new website. Thanks for finding us!
Genuinely, things move so quickly that what seemed at first to be a crystal-clear focused project, actually grew legs and then put on the running spikes and promptly ran away, over the horizon and kept going. With the turmoil of lockdowns and the difficulty of face to face time with our digital partners at Hush, it became really difficult to coordinate and share – that creative feedback loop is always better around a shared screen with informal conversation to help us all stay aligned. Nevertheless – we think this is an amazing upgrade (no doubt, not guaranteed perfect on launch day and our fantastic customers will helpfully identify “improvements”, many thanks).
We hope you find some of the graphic interfaces useful – in particular, we paid attention to the logic behind the global coverage map – ensuring it’s easy to see what may be suitable to the merchant situation. Whether you start with geography or type, the solutions presented don’t over-power the user. It was important that we ensure swift and easy visualisation; with the bewildering array of solutions available through the single Hexopay connection – it is so easy to shoot-off down a rabbit hole of interesting but nevertheless inapplicable solutions.
There was no clearer example of the difficulties created by not being face to face to share, discuss and show, than the global coverage map. It’s a completely bespoke item of art work and at the conceptual stage it all seemed to be straightforward. If I tell you, though, we ended up with the atlas, asking questions and finding answers to previously unthought-of queries: where, generally, is the border between North and South Korea? Should Iceland really be represented as part of Scandinavia and even, Where is the border between Central America and South America?
We have live feeds of industry news and the standard explanation of why we exist and the value we deliver. We hope you enjoy coming back to see us.
Or if you are ready now – why not reach out. We’d love to chat.